who is curator lotte kjoeller?

Above: Lotte Kjoeller as curator in SAK Exhibitionhall, Svendborg, Denmark
DK: Billedkunstner Lotte Kjøller har fungeret som udstillingsleder og kurator mange gange. Hun har "opfundet" udstillinger der er blevet udstillet overalt i Danmark. De 2 vigtigste som kurator er SAK Kunstbygning og Kunsthal vARTe med kunstnergruppen "det NØGNE menneske".
Nordic Art er noget nyere og er løbet ind i stormvejr bl.a på grund af Corona der forhindrer os i at udstille. Vi håber at pandemien snart ebber ud så vi kan udstille igen.
Lotte lader sit Galleri Lk-kunst arrangere udstillinger.
I kan se på disse undersider om netop disse 3 projekter.

Above: Lotte Kjoeller as curator in Pakhus Gallery,
Nykoebing Sj. Denmark
ENG: Visual artist Lotte Kjøller has worked as an exhibition manager and curator many times. She has "invented" exhibitions that have been exhibited all over Denmark. The 2 most important as a curator are SAK Kunstbygning and Kunsthal vARTe with the artist group "the NAKED human Art".
Nordic Art is somewhat newer and has run into stormy weather, partly due to Corona which prevents us from exhibiting. We hope the pandemic soon ebbs so we can exhibit again.
Lotte lets her Gallery Lk-art arrange exhibitions.
You can look at these subpages about these 3 projects.
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